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Hoofdstel Rocks Blue Royal Allure traverso clear
Hoofdstel Rocks Blue Royal Allure traverso clear
Hoofdstel Rocks Blue Royal Allure traverso clear
Exclusive dressage bridle by JUDI Royal Allure collection. Including reins with Swarovski crystals, nosepad and bridle bag.

Default delivery time

2 weeks

€ 1.149,00
Variation: Hoofdstel Rocks Blue Royal Allure traverso clear
Designed and handmade by JUDI in the Netherlands

New in the collection
Swarovski Rocks rosegold on the noseband combined with patent black leather.
The browband in model Onyx with colour rosegold

The color of the stones and the model of the browbrand can be filled in entirely as desired. 

Passier bridle by JUDI
  • Headpiece by Passier
  • Browband by JUDI with crystals from Swarovski
  • Checkpiece by Passier
  • Throatlash by Passier
  • Patent black Noseband by JUDI with Rocks rosegold from Swarovski 
  • Reins by JUDI with crystals from Swarovski